Our affiliates have more than 20 years experience in practice, development, management, acquisition and turnover.

PPO Plans

Preferred Provider Organizations

( PPO)

  • PPOs are similar to HMOs in that they enter into contractual arrangements with healthcare providers ( e.g. physicians, hospitals and other healthcare professionals) who together form a "provider network."
  • Unlike an HMO, members don't have a PCP ("gatekeeper") nor do they have to use an in-network provider for their care. However, PPOs offer members "richer" benefits as financial incentives to use network providers. The incentives may include lower deductibles, lower co-payments and higher reimbursements. For example, if you see an in-network family physician for a routine visit, you may only have a small co-payment or deductible. If you see a non-network family phyhsician for a routine visit, you may have to pay as much as 50% of the total bill.
  • PPO members typically don't have to get a referral to see a specialist. However as mentioned above, there's a financial incentive to use a specialist on the PPO's provider network.
  • PPOs are less restrictive than HMOs in the choice of healthcare provider. However, they tend to require greater "out of pocket" payments from the members.

Premier Medical Alliance, P.A.
595 South Federal Highway, Suite 250
Boca Raton, Florida 33432
Tel: 561-417-3344
Fax: 561-417-8899

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